Kaiju No. 8 has been one of the most anticipated shonen manga series that has yet to receive an anime adaptation. This is aiming to change next year as the series will be animated by Production IG and Studio Khara. Like so many other anime adaptations, the giant monster fighting series will be streamed for anime fans to check out and it’s been confirmed which service has gained the exclusive rights to the series.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Kaiju No. 8 will arrive in the spring season of 2024 and will be exclusive to Crunchyroll. First arriving as a manga in 2020 from mangaka Naoya Matsumoto, the series follows a character named Kafka who lives in a world of giant monster attacks. Attempting to make his way in this environment, Kafka soon discovers that he has monstrous abilities of his own.
The creator of Kaiju No. 8, Naoya Matsumoto, had some words to share following the announcement at New York Comic-Con, “Hello from Japan to everyone attending New York Comic-Con. I’m the author of Kaiju No. 8, Naoya Matsumoto. It’s a story about someone struggling in a harsh world without ever giving up, in the hopes of leading people into an even slightly brighter future. To anyone dealing with the complexities of reality that reads this manga, I hope it can help make your future a little brighter, too. Next year when Kaiju No. 8 begins to air in America and worldwide, I’ll be looking forward to seeing your reactions. I hope you’re looking forward to it, too!”
Crunchyroll has also released an official description of the upcoming series that will be brought to life by Production IG and Studio Khara, “In a world plagued by threatening creatures known as Kaiju, Kafka Hibino aspired to enlist in the Japan Defense Force to defeat them. “Let’s wipe out the Kajju together.” Kafka pledged to his childhood friend, Mina Ashiro. Over time, life circumstances forced them to go their separate ways and caused him to abandon his lifelong ambition.”
“He found himself employed by Monster Sweeper, Inc., a professional cleaning company that specializes in cleaning up the aftermath of Kaiju battles. Meanwhile, Mina Ashiro is now the Captain of the Defense Force’s 3rd Division. As it stands, he is currently unworthy of fighting Kaiju alongside her. At work, Kafka crosses paths with the highly motivated Reno Ichikawa. Reno’s undying determination to join the Defense Force leaves no room for failure. His perseverance reawakens Kafka’s ambition of standing next to Mina as they protect humanity from Kaiju together. A dream frozen by time, thawed by a burning promise.”
Via Press Release