It has been nearly two months since tragedy struck Kyoto Animation. Back in July, the company was targeted by an alleged arsonist who set fire to one of its studios. The blaze ended up killing 35 employees and injuring more than 30 others. With the case still on-going, new details continue to arise about the tragedy, and fans were just given an update on those workers still recovering from their injuries.
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Recently, a report went live from the Asahi Shimbun newspaper in Japan. The update let fans know there are still 7 female victims hospitalized after enduring the massive fire. As the report states, three of the victims are in critical condition while one is in serious condition. As for the other three are being treated for burns and broken bones at this time.
This update is a reminder to fans of the horrifying situation the employees of Kyoto Animation were faced with one July 18. On that day, there were a total of 70 employees in the building when the fire was started. Only one person made it out of Studio One without being injured, and Kyoto Animation’s estimated personal damages reflect as much.
According to the latest reports, the personal damages accrued by the fire are upwards of $38 million USD. The figure comes from Daisuke Okeda, a lawyer whom Kyoto Animation has tasked with overseeing affairs connected to the tragedy. Luckily, fans from all over the world sent in donations to the company, and Kyoto Animation has turned the money over to the Kyoto Prefectural Government to be handed out to victims’ families.
For those unfamiliar with the case, Kyoto Animation was targeted by an alleged arsonist earlier this summer. A 41-year-old man from Japan entered Studio One and is said to have poured gasoline around and within the building. Claiming Kyoto Animation had stolen his novel, the disgruntled suspect lit fire to the building before escaping with his own injuries. The man was apprehend by authorities not far from the fire, and police are investigating the incident as arson while the suspect recovers from his own serious injuries.