The long-awaited anime Mecha-Ude has finally debuted its pilot episode. This is a “pilot” episode and not “episode one” because the staff behind it are attempting to get it picked up to series. YouTuber Reina Scully, who is helping produce the anime and features in its English dub, has posted both the Japanese-language episode with subtitles and the English-language dub to her YouTube channel.
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The 26-minute Japanese-language pilot episode can be viewed above, and the English-language dub pilot episode can be viewed below. Sae Okamoto serves as director on Mecha-Ude, and the staff consists of relatively few production team members otherwise at TriF Studio.
The original Kickstarter campaign, which wrapped up in November 2016, raised $67,918. It’s unclear at this point what should happen if the pilot doesn’t get picked up to series, but if nothing else, at least we’ve got these 26 minutes of footage. Additionally, it would appear that the Japanese-language version of the pilot will be taken down on June 10th, so enjoy that while you can. The English-language dub will remain online for “a little longer” according to Scully, but when that time runs out is unclear.
What do you think? Would you be interested in watching an entire Mecha-Ude series? Let us know in the comments!
Here’s how the official Mecha-Ude website describes the anime’s story:
“A century ago, mechanical life forms visited us from another dimension, seeking the life energy known as ‘arbitrium’, a resource that had been exhausted on their home planet. These beings compressed their bodies into ‘arms’ in order to endure the dimensional crossing, and came to Earth in search of our abundant arbitrium supplies. By fusing with other forms of life, they became able to operate on our planet. And in secret, they made contact with a certain segment of humanity, beginning their search for the arbitrium.
Due to their appearance, people called these beings ‘Mecha-Ude’, or ‘MechaArms’.
Now, in the modern era, a cube containing a certain Mecha-Ude has been stolen from a lab owned by the megacorp known as the Kagami Group. Hikaru, a normal middle school boy, finds the cube by chance and breaks its seal. Inside is the Mecha-Ude Alma, who has just awakened from a century’s long slumber. Alma tries to fuse with Hikaru’s body, butโฆ
A chance event leads Hikaru and Alma to start a strange life together…”
[H/T Anime News Network]
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