
My Hero Academia Brings Hagakure to Life in Controversial Cover Art


My Hero Academia is back in the headlines these days, and we have new content dropping on two fronts. While the anime gets underway with season six, readers are keeping up with the manga as its final act carries on. This week, fans were treated to a new chapter of the manga as always, but no one saw its cover art coming. And once you see it, well – you will understand why it is causing the controversy it is.

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The situation was brought to life this weekend when My Hero Academia released its new chapter, and as always, it came with some special cover art. What fans did not expect was for the artwork to showcase a teenage girl in the buff. After keeping her invisible for years, Toru Hagakure is front and center in this key art, and she is entirely nude save for some well-placed caution tape.

As you can see below, the artwork is certainly jarring, and fans are having a hard time believing it was released officially. Hagakure has barely been featured in the manga with her true face, and of course, her body has never been on display like this. After all, the character just turned 16 in the manga, and her status as a first-year high school student is hard to overlook.^tfw

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This nude cover art has certainly ruffled the fandom, and many are questioning why Hagakure was drawn like this given her underage status. The mature take only adds to previous controversies within the fandom as My Hero Academia has long received flak over Momo’s revealing costume. And of course, the discourse over Mineta and his lecherous behavior is never-ending amongst fans.

What do you think about this latest piece of cover art? Do you believe Shonen Jump took things too far here? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.