While My Hero Academia is one of the biggest anime Shonen series in the world today, the world of animation was taken over by Amazon’s adaptation of Image’s Invincible but it seems as if the two franchises have crossed over with one of the premier artists on the comic series, Ryan Ottley, supplying a new cover for Kohei Horikoshi’s manga. Ottley’s comic book career wasn’t just focused on the high-flying adventures of Mark Grayson, but the artist also spread his work to Marvel’s Amazing Spider-Man and has an upcoming run on Hulk set to land later this year.
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My Hero Academia’s anime and manga are at two very different parts of the series that brought the world of UA Academy to life, with the fifth season of the television series getting ready to end the My Villain Academia Arc and the manga currently in the “End Game,” of the franchise as Deku attempts to hold together the crumbling ties of hero society. While an official crossover between My Hero Academia and Invincible hasn’t taken place and isn’t confirmed for the future, All Might did recently dive into the story of Marvel’s Deadpool in his manga series, so anything definitely is possible.
Twitter User Atsushi 101X shared the alternate cover for Volume 31 of My Hero Academia’s French release, which sees Invincible and Spider-Man artist Ryan Ottley taking on the likes of All Might, Endeavor, and one of the High-End Nomu that have become one of the most terrifying threats to the world of heroes:
Ottley’s style of art certainly translates well into the world of heroes in My Hero Academia, giving us new takes on the top professional heroes such as All Might and Endeavor. Though All Might is currently out of the picture when it comes to his buffed up form following his insane battle against his arch-rival All For One, Endeavor is currently patrolling the streets as the new number one hero and attempting to live up to the legacy left behind by the former Symbol of Peace.
Would you like to see Ottley try his hand at a full story from the world of My Hero Academia? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of UA Academy.