In celebration of Dragon Ball‘s 30th anniversary, One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda authored a note of congratulations to creator Akira Toriyama accompanied by a drawing of Yamcha. The artwork was collected in Shueisha’s Dragon Ball: Super History Book, which included original character sketches by Toriyama as well as drawings from Naruto’s Masashi Kishimoto and Death Note’s Takeshi Obata honoring the long-running manga.
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“Toriyama-sensei, congratulations on the 30th anniversary of Dragon Ball,” Oda wrote. “So, what is it like to have the characters you created 30 years ago to still be loved all around the world? Amongst all (manga) characters in this world, of which there are as many as there are stars, Goku is most likely the most genuine one of them all, which is why I think he’s so beloved. And he will continue to be so from this point on as well. To be honest, I also liked Yamcha. He was always treated badly (“that way”), but I STILL believe that his day’ll come, some day!”
The Dragon Ball manga began life as a serial in Weekly Shลnen Jump and went on to become the second best-selling manga series (behind only One Piece). Since its debut, Dragon Ball has released spin-offs, multiple anime series, video games, and live-action and animated films.
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