One-Punch Man Unveils Every Super Fight 22 Fighter

One-Punch Man's 'Super Fight Arc' officially kicked off in this week's episode of the anime, as 18 [...]

One-Punch Man's "Super Fight Arc" officially kicked off in this week's episode of the anime, as 18 competitors in the Super Fight 22 tournament were revealed and the first two fights of the opening round commenced.

The competitors included Lightning Max (a Class A fighter), Ring-Ring, Benpats, Snakebite Snek (who was referred to as "Class A's lowest-ranked hero, which he didn't like), Boltane, Bazuzu, Gatling, Hamukichi, Dave, Logy, Mentai, Jakumen, Choze, Sourface, Zakos, Saitama (posing as Charanko), Bakuzan and Suiryu.

Given that he's wearing a wig to hide his true identity, Saitama apparently wrote, "Please don't aim for my head" on his registration form, and called his fighting style the "Fist of Seltzer Water on the Rocks." The crowd began to boo him even before his first fight.

The two fighters who received the most hype from the announcer were Bakuzan, a two-time tournament champion, and Suiryu, a former four-time champion. Having never faced Suiryu before, Bakuzan focuses squarely on him was the fighters were presented in the middle of the arena. Suiryu acknowledges him, then admits the only one his really wants to fight is last year's winner, a masked fighter who turned out to be Garou.

"I sense his [Bakuzan's] piercing aura, but the one I wanted to face is the last tournament's champion," Suiryu said in an inner monologue. "If I'm gonna fight, at least it could have been against someone tough."

Max wins the opening fight by defeating Ring-Ring, while Saitama wins his first fight in the post-credit scene by hitting Zakkos with a slap across the face. To add insult to injury, Zakkos intended on proposing to his girlfriend after winning the fight but the announcer then reveals that his girlfriend never showed up.

The final shot of the episode shows Suiryu studying Saitama, saying he would fight the man known as "Caped Baldy" in the final round.


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