Rick and Morty Freaky Grinch Holiday Promo Released by Adult Swim

A new Rick and Morty Holiday promo has been released by Adult Swim, and it is... something. [...]

A new Rick and Morty Holiday promo has been released by Adult Swim, and it is... something. Captioned with the phrase "Happy Human Holiday!" the video (with its intense trippy animation style) depicts Rick and the Smith Family around the dinner table at Christmas. Beth is serving turkey, Jerry is laughing, Rick gets a new sweater to wear, and Morty is excited to hand Rick his present - which turns out to be a spring-loaded boxing glove to blast Rick in the face. Morty turns to the camera and forms a Grinch-like grin - interestingly enough, the eye-patch Morty wears seems to indicate this is the "Evil Morty" that serves as the series big bad (if it has such a thing).

Watch the new Rick and Morty Holiday 2020 promo below:

First things first: this promo is one of the more unsettling promos that Adult Swim has released - and that's saying something. This animation style for Rick and Morty is just freaky (for lack of a better word), turning this "happy human holiday" into something much more twisted and sinister. That's exactly the kind of cutting humor that Rick and Morty likes to play with - and also the kind of eye-catching (at times mind-scarring) promotional ads that are the signature of Adult Swim's brand.

The fact that "Evil Morty" (now "President Morty") is the particular version of Morty featured in the promo will also get fans buzzing in a big way. Even though Rick and Morty creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon try to keep themselves from being boxed-in by continuity, fans have never stopped theorizing about all the clues the series has dropped about the true origin of Evil Morty - and the possible game-changing stakes it has for the series fore mythos.

Then again, Roiland and Harmon basically gave a middle-finger to the idea of a big Evil Morty payoff, in the Rick and Morty season 4 episode "Never Ricking Morty". The show turned all those fan theories into a literal "story train" filled with scenes referencing popular fan theories - all to make the point that none of them really mattered. So, as far as things go right now, it's unclear whether or not Rick and Morty will ever truly deliver on that story arc - or even revisit the events of the infamous "Tales From The Citadel" Episode which saw Evil Morty rise to the power of being "President Morty" in the Citadel of Ricks.

Rick and Morty producer/writer Scott Marder is teasing that fans may be about to get some "epic canon, come season 5. Check out what he had to say HERE.

Enjoy your Happy Human Holidays!