Adult Swim has had its fair share of original animated series that have helped propel the Cartoon Network programming block to new heights. Set to take part at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Adult Swim has already revealed that they will focus on some of their big recent hits but will also be taking a look at some “first looks”. In recent memory, we’ve already been given looks at some of the properties set to his the West Coast including Lazarus and Junji Ito’s Uzumaki. In a surprising twist, it appears as though Cartoon Network might be getting into the rooster fighting business.
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For those who might not have heard of Rooster Fighter, the manga first arrived 2020 from author Shu Sakuratani and is unlike anything else on the market. While the story might focus on a random rooster fighting aliens, the look of the series is akin to something like One-Punch Man as the all-powerful rooster is able to strike some dynamic poses.
Adult Swim’s Roost Fighter is Nigh?
In hyping up this year’s San Diego Comic-Con arrival, Adult Swim shared a breakdown of the previews that will be a part of the “Pirate Parrrty On The Green”. While nothing has been confirmed regarding a Rooster Fighter anime, the title was featured on the poster for the event itself taking place on Friday, July 26th at 7:30 PM Pacific Time. You can check out the breakdown on the poster below.
If you haven’t had the chance to dive into this ridiculous yet hard-hitting series, Rooster Fighter is currently available via Viz Media. Here’s how the manga publisher describes the original story, “Giant demonic monsters wreak havoc and level Japanese cities! While the citizens flee in terror, it’s up to one brave rooster to stand his ground! In a world where terrifying monsters walk the earth, one heroic rooster is destined for greatness. When giant demons threaten the innocent, he’s going to show them who’s boss! The neighborhood cock of the walk is more than just an ordinary rooster—he’s humanity’s greatest defender! His opponents may be ten stories tall, but nothing is bigger than his stout heart and his fearsome battle cry—cock-a-doodle-doo!”
Want to see if the Rooster Fighter anime becomes a reality? Follow along with Team Anime on ComicBook for all the latest updates.