Samurai Champloo’s anime was created by the same director responsible for Spike Spiegel and the bounty-hunting denizens of the Bebop, Shinichiro Watanabe, and it shows. The revenge story of Jin, Mugen, and Fuu blended high-intensity action with a musical style that has never been replicated. With the franchise having debuted its manga and anime adaptation twenty years ago this year, Samurai Champloo hasn’t confirmed if a new series and/or reboot is on the way but it is still celebrating the arrival of the epic tale. A new poster once again brings together the three unlikely protagonists for the first time in quite some time.
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If you’ve never watched Samurai Champloo, it is a series worth checking out. Mugen and Jin are two wandering samurai who couldn’t be more different, even taking the opportunity to regularly engage to fights to the death with one another. Luckily, the two are brought together by the young Fuu who is looking for revenge against a warrior who is a samurai that smells of sunflowers. On top of the wild animation style implemented by the television series, the killer soundtrack helped push Samurai Champloo to become a fan-favorite in the anime community.
Samurai Champloo Returns
The official website for the Samurai Champloo 20th Anniversary celebration didn’t just share the new poster, but also detailed the “Samurai Champloo Video Clash” which fans can be a part of, “To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the first broadcast this year, we will be holding a contest to create new content for “Samurai Champloo“! You can use the main anime footage that will be prepared for the contest participants in any way you like. Combine the edited footage with the designated sound source to create a new “Samurai Champloo” video! There are two categories: Shorts posted on YouTube and Music Video.”
If you somehow avoided the classic anime franchise, you can catch Samurai Champloo streaming on Crunchyroll and Hulu. The official description of Mugen, Jinn, and Fuu’s story reads as such, “Mugen is a ferocious, animalistic warrior with a fighting style inspired by break-dancing. Jin is a ronin samurai who wanders the countryside alone. They may not be friends, but their paths continually cross. And when ditzy waitress Fuu gets them out of hot water with the local magistrate, they agree to join her search for the samurai who smells like sunflowers.”
Want to see if Mugen, Jinn, and Fuu will make a comeback? Follow along with Team Anime on ComicBook for all the latest updates on the world of Samurai Champloo.