Fairy Tail is one of the most popular shonen (aimed primarily at young male audience) anime of all time. The manga was originally published in the Weekly Shonen Magazine in 2006, and is still running to this day, with 59 current volumes released. The original anime adaptation of the series ran from 2009 through 2014. With a new series running from 2014 to March of last year.
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The legendary series takes place in the world of Earth-Land, which is full of wizards of all shapes and sizes. The wizards are split up by guilds in which they train to be expert of their magical abilities and use them for job requests. Fairy Tail essentially revolves around a 17 year old wizard named Lucy Heartfilia, as she joins Fairy Tail, the infamous guild known for being overly destructive and reckless. She is invited to the guild by Natsu Dragneel, a super powerful wizard with dragon abilities who is in search of his “father” a dragon. The two of them form a bond with other fellow mages, and take on powerful foes, and tackle challenges along the way.
But with the countless number of guilds, mages, and powerful dragons in the land who is the most powerful. Here is a list of the Top 5 most powerful characters in the Fairy Tail series.
5. Natsu Dragneel
Nasu may not look like much with his average stature and generic spiky anime hair, but he is one of the strongest characters in all of Fairy Tail. He is the master of fire, using it in many different ways, such as igniting his entire body and fire and charging the person in his path. He is a dragon slayer and can consume any type of fire to re-energize. Natsu is a loyal friend who will do anything to protect someone he loves.
4. Gildarts Clive
Gildart is one of the most famous Mages of Fairy Tail. He is one of the few elite S-Class Mages that posses incredible physical strength, as well as high-level magic power. He has a prosthetic arm and leg and can crush everything in his way with his Crash magic attack. Gildart is a force to reckoned with in every fight he’s a part of.
3. Acnologia
One of the first, and the strongest dragon slayer. He is usually seen as a human, but he has the ability to shapeshift into the fearsome Black Dragon of the Apocalypse. He is the expert of slaying dragons with his Dragon Slayer Magic, and is not only strong as a human, but can become an immense dragon that can do major damage.
2. Mavis Vermillion
Mavis is the first Guild Master of the Fairy Tail Guild, and a master tactician. She can essentially foresee people’s future moves as her with her analysis of situations. She can project illusions with her Illusion Magic, and can gather and concentrate light from the sun, moon, and stars with her Fairy Glitter Spell. She can fly, communicate telepathically to others, and walk on water. She is one of the top of the list because of her brilliance, and she advises others how to deal with foes.
1. Zeref
Zeref, also known as The Black Mage, is the strongest of all Fairy Tail characters by far. He not only is a master of Dark Magic, Living Magic, and the Black Arts, but he also can bring demonic entities to life. His Black Magic is uncontrollable and deadly, and his Immobilization magic allows him to freeze time, oh and did I mention he is immortal? This mage definitely tops the list as the most powerful character in the series.