Makoto Shinkai has taken the world of anime by storm, with his award winning, critically acclaimed two anime films with Weathering With You and Your Name, and recently, the anime director took to social media to share storyboards that he is currently working on that might very well be for his next big project! While we don’t have any details about the name or plot of the next anime project for Shinkai, based on the reception to the previous two films, we would imagine that another anime classic will be in the works from Makoto in the future.
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Shinkai’s stories are ones that revolve around interesting and compassionate stories of love, with Weathering With You being the latest entry that focused on two young lovers, one of which had the ability to control the weather. Prior to Weathering With You, Your Name set the stage for Makoto in a similar tale that focused on two young lovers who were separated by time itself. If we had to guess, we would imagine that his next film will be true to form and set up a similar story structure while employing some absolutely breath taking animation that has become a staple of Makoto’s work in the medium of anime!
Shinkai Makoto took to his Official Twitter Account to share what might be a first look at his next big project, clearly working hard on storyboards for a new anime that might stand tall alongside the likes of his previous works in Weathering With You and Your Name:
— 新海誠 (@shinkaimakoto) October 28, 2020
The English translation of this Tweet reads as such:
“Recently, I’ve been staying in my room and drawing storyboards, but my eyes are more blurred and harder than in the previous work. Kita … lol.”
Do you think this is the next big movie from anime director Shinkai Makoto? What is your favorite movie from Makoto so far within the medium of anime? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the anime works of Shinkai Makoto!