The “Turn And Face The Strange” episode of Heroes kicks off in Building 26 with HRG examining a dead body that appears to be Sylar.Danko enters the room and reassures HRG that Sylar won’t be getting up anytime soon.Danko brags about killing Sylar with a four inch pocket blade replaced with a six inch metal spike.Meanwhile, Hiro and Ando are on a road trip with baby Matt Parkman.Baby Parkman starts to cry and suddenly the car stops running.Hiro and Ando are confused because it’s a brand new car.Have they forgotten baby Parkman has abilities?Sandra Bennett shows up at Building 26, demanding to see her daughter Claire.HRG tells her there is a body inside that is supposed to be Sylar but something doesn’t feel right.Danko walks into the bathroom and meets another Danko.It turns out that the Danko, who was talking to HRG, was really shapshifting Sylar.Angela Petrelli calls HRG and says she and Peter are headed to Coyote Sands.HRG tells Angela that he’s seen Sylar’s supposed dead body, but he doesn’t buy it.Angela screams at HRG to just leave it alone.Meanwhile, Suresh returns to his old apartment.The landlord shows up and tells Suresh that his crazy old man left some stuff in storage.
Heroes Turn And Face The Strange Recap: Shapeshifting Fun With Sylar
The “Turn And Face The Strange” episode of Heroes kicks off in Building 26 with HRG examining […]