A little over a week ago, Comicbook.com made note of all the parody videos that the most recent Dark Knight Rises trailer was inspiring. We even created a list of the top five Dark Knight Rises trailer parody videos.Well, now it’s a new year, and The Dark Knight Rises parodies just keep on coming. Two more have popped up that definitely belong on our best Dark Knight Rises parody videos list. These two new ones are particularly clever because they don’t rely on the obvious joke of making fun of Bane’s voice.The Lion King Rises: Dark Knight Rises Trailer Parody is quite possibly the best movie mash-up that we’ve ever seen. It was uploaded to YouTube by Bran Hansen, who lists himself as an editor and director out of Los Angeles, California. He is obviously very good at his job, because as we mentioned, this mash-up is incredible. The parody video dubs the sound from the most recent Dark Knight Rises trailer over various scenes from Disney’s The Lion King.
The Dark Knight Rises Becomes The Lion King Rises
A little over a week ago, Comicbook.com made note of all the parody videos that the most recent […]