Effective today, Image Comics announced that digital copies of the first issues of twenty series debuts that hit the stands this year from the publisher will be made available for free, permanently, through ComiXology.Best-selling titles Fatale, Saga, The Manhattan Projects, America’s Got Powers, Thief of Thieves and Mind the Gap headline the project, which also sees the #1 issues of Alpha Girl, Creator-Owned Heroes, Dancer, Danger Club, Epic Kill, Grim Leaper, Hell Yeah, Hoax Hunters, No Place Like Home, Peter Panzerfraust, Secret and Planetoid offered for free. Glory #23 and Prophet #21, each the first issues in their respective titles’ relaunched continuities, are also included.Many of the series have sold out at the direct-market level and gone back for two or more printings, while a number of them, including Saga, Fatale, Creator-Owned Heroes, Prophet and Planetoid drew rave reviews from ComicBook.com.The twenty titles are being made available in celebration of Image Comics’ twentieth anniversary, during which the issues in question debuted.
Image Comics Giving Away 20 Free Digital Comics
Effective today, Image Comics announced that digital copies of the first issues of twenty series […]