During a conference call with investors, Disney’s Robert Iger revealed that not only is Star Wars Episode VII due from the studio in 2015, but it will be followed by Star Wars Episodes VIII and IX, and that the studio plans on releasing a new Star Wars movie “every two to three years.”George Lucas will serve as a creative consultant on the forthcoming Star Wars films, with LucasFilm’s new head, Kathleen Kennedy, will serve as executive producer.The company’s CFO says that they also plan to utilize Star Wars in their parks and resorts business.”What we’re buying…is a pretty extensive and detailed treatment for what would be the next three movies,” Iger told a shareholder during the Q&A, describing Episode VII as in “early-stage development right now.”
Star Wars Episodes 8 and 9 to Follow 7, New Star Wars Planned Every 2-3 Years
During a conference call with investors, Disney’s Robert Iger revealed that not only is Star Wars […]