Calvin & Hobbes Invade the Real World in Awesome Fan Art

A Reddit user named Nite4awk is responsible for this series of wonderful Calvin & Hobbes desktop [...]

A Reddit user named Nite4awk is responsible for this series of wonderful Calvin & Hobbes desktop wallpapers, in which the heroes and some of their favorite props make their way into real-world photography. The images seem to be mostly (and are probably entirely, but I haven't boned up on my Calvin & Hobbes recently) recreations of famous images from the comic strip, and they've created a stir on Reddit, with hundreds of upvotes over the course of two threads (the original and a second created because someone apparently didn't notice that the artist himself had already done so). Check out the gallery below; the artist says he'll be working on more over the next little while, too. [gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="2" orderby="title"]