is the next big project coming from Evan Young and co-creator Lou Iovino. Currently being funded on Kickstarter, the project is a 220-page neo-Western graphic novel that the creators described to as a Vertigo-style “what-if” comic.The book, set in a world where technological advancement has been stopped cold and only one man knows why, evokes a primitive near future–a bit like NBC’s Revolution, but in a world where people haven’t just shrugged and accepted that the world as they knew it is gone.Young and Iovino joined us to talk a bit about the book, the Kickstarter campaign, and to briefly catch up on the status of the film adaptation of The Forgotten, Young’s hit indie comic from a few years What made you want to try an alternate history book? I feel like so often, the genre has been tainted by too many “What if Hitler won the war?” stories.EVAN: I’m not sure that Lou (Iovino, the co-creator) and I initially set out to write an alternate history “what if” tale initially. As we mentioned in the video introduction on our Kickstarter page, we were really inspired by what we’d read about in a Wired magazine article by Steven Levy that covered Jay Walker’s “Library of the History of Human Imagination.” But what we didn’t say in that video is that we were inspired, but… We still had no story! We had some goals that were extremely important to us – that the story asked essential questions about whether we should or should not have dropped the bomb, asked questions about the price of progess. We also wanted it to be written based on these interesting little chunks of American history. But we still had to develop an actual storyline and characters.
Talking The Last West With Evan Young and Lou Iovino
The Last West is the next big project coming from Evan Young and co-creator Lou Iovino. Currently […]