Earlier today, Warner Bros. debuted a Jor-El character poster for Man of Steel, Zack Snyder’s upcoming Superman reboot, along with a pair of close-up action banners featuring Superman and General Zod.Well, now Recent Movie Posters brings us a look at the straight-on character posters for the hero and villain as well, marking the second and third such posters yet released. While it’s unlikely that Jonathan or Martha Kent will get them, it seems a safe bet that Faora–the film’s major female antagonist and another Kryptonian character–will have one before the week’s out.Of course, virtually every poster released up to this point has featured Henry Cavill’s Superman, but this is arguably the character poster for the hero, as it syncs up with the other characters to have one so far.
Man of Steel Gets Zod, Superman Character Posters
Earlier today, Warner Bros. debuted a Jor-El character poster for Man of Steel, Zack Snyder’s […]