Ever since J.J. Abrams landed the directing job for Star Wars Episode VII, most in the industry have been assuming that his Star Trek directing days are done. However, when J.J. Abrams was asked during a Fandango interview if he thought he would ever do a Star Trek film again, he didn’t discount the possibility.In regard to directing another Star Trek movie, J.J. Abrams said, “I don’t know. The idea of working with these people again would be a thrill and a privilege. One of the reasons I wanted to do the second one was so I had a chance to work with this cast and crew again.”J.J. Abrams added, “It really would depend if there’s a third movie that the studio wants to make. It would depend what the schedule was. Would I be open to it? Of course I would.”Most are assuming that Paramount will want to release Star Trek 3 in 2016 to coordinate with the 50th anniversary of Star Trek. With Star Wars Episode VII set to hit theaters in 2015, a 2016 date would probably be a challenge to work for J.J. Abrams’ schedule, but it still might be possible if the release date is late in 2016.
J.J. Abrams Open To Star Trek 3
Ever since J.J. Abrams landed the directing job for Star Wars Episode VII, most in the industry […]