There was a burst of activity on the DC Entertainment front recently, with announcements that both Gotham and Constantine would be coming to a major network near you soon.So what’s next? Well, it’s probably a safe bet that with three series in development right now (those two plus The Flash at The CW), DC will rest on their laurels for a bit (no Arrow-related pun intended) and see how these pan out before moving forward.But what really struck is is the different approaches being taken by each of the series announced so far; Arrow is a gritty revenge drama; Gotham is a police procedural with a twist; Constantine is a supernatural show in the vein of Grimm. And of course The Flash is pretty standard superhero fare. So—if they were going to keep announcing stuff in the near future, one would assume they’d be going for different genres, different tones. What could keep our interest and not feel like a show bound and determined to force one of their others off the air? We’ve got a few ideas.
DC’s TV Explosion: Five More Potential, Unexpected Series
There was a burst of activity on the DC Entertainment front recently, with announcements that both […]