It’s been nearly twenty years since the launch of Emerald Twilight, the Green Lantern story that would drive Hal Jordan mad, disband the Green Lantern Corps and catapult writer Ron Marz to fame as one of the most controversial superhero writers of the decade.Between threats to his person made by fans at conventions, Marz had to contend with the earliest days of the Internet and one of the first major cases of fan backlash; an organization called H.E.A.T. (Hal’s Emerald Attack Team, later revised to “Advancement” rather than Attack after they drew criticism) was formed that not only threatened Marz, his editors and DC in general but also bought up ads in industry trades demanding changes be made to the story and Hal be reinstated as the “one, true Green Lantern.”Ultimately they got their way–but it was a decade later and only because someone who shared their love of Hal Jordan (if not of Internet tirades and violence) got the Green Lantern gig.
Ron Marz Looks Back on Nearly 20 Years Since Emerald Twilight
It’s been nearly twenty years since the launch of Emerald Twilight, the Green Lantern story that […]