When Family Guy’s dog Brian Griffin met his tragic end on the “Life of Brian” episode that aired on November 24, Comicbook.com was first to offer up proof that Brian would return. One of the theories that we offered up was that Brian would return in an upcoming Christmas episode.Now, Entertainment Weekly is reporting that the Christmas episode theory is indeed correct. Brian Griffin will reportedly return in the December 15 episode, which is entitled “Christmas Guy.”EW doesn’t cite a source for how they know this, and they also note that FOX declined to comment. As proof, they mention that Brian is listed in the cast of characters for the December 15 episode. Brian is also listed in the cast of characters for the the December 8 episode, so it could be that FOX just hasn’t updated the cast list.
Family Guy’s Brian Griffin To Return From The Dead
When Family Guy’s dog Brian Griffin met his tragic end on the ‘Life of Brian’ episode that aired […]