In a cool coincidence, one of the buildings pictured in the new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 actually houses the studio where Eisner-winner Dan Goldman works on his Monkeybrain series Red Light Properties, a collected edition for which will be out through IDW Publishing in February.Sharing the image above with his friends and fans on Tumblr, Goldman posted the message, “Check out Spidey dodging bullets RIGHT OUTSIDE MY STUDIO BUILDING in the new movie trailer. They filmed during the summer (the Bugle Tumblr ad ain’t really there); see the full trailer here.”(Hey! Who’d have thought–there might actually be somebody making comics somewhere in the background there!)For convenience, we’ve embedded the trailer below.Goldman’s studio is the brown building that actually features (in the trailer) the Daily Bugle Tumblr ad.Red Light Properties: Shattered was released to ComiXology on Wednesday. You should check it out.
Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer Filmed Outside of Red Light Properties’ Dan Goldman’s Studio
In a cool coincidence, one of the buildings pictured in the new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man […]