Radio Man might sound like a superhero moniker to those of us who spend all our time reading and writing about Batman, Superman and Spider-Man, but in fact he’s just a guy from New York.And, if Marc Webb’s Twitter feed is to be believed, he’ll have a role (probably a cameo) in the upcoming sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man.Radio Man, born Craig Costaldo, is pictured at right; while it may seem somewhat random to have the iconic New York homeless man in the film, those in the know will recognize that he’s something of a New York film institution, having appeared in something like a dozen movies, including The Departed, Elf, Ransom and the U.S. version of Godzilla (I think we can forgive him for that one).Having Radio Man appear in your film is a bit like having the Naked Cowboy; now you know for sure it’s happening in New York. Just ask the folks at 30 Rock.
Amazing Spider-Man 2 Will Feature New York City’s Radio Man
Radio Man might sound like a superhero moniker to those of us who spend all our time reading and […]