In today’s Action Comics #14, Superman finds himself face to face with a mutltitude of angels.But these aren’t exactly the heavenly type, working for God and all that. Rather, Superman explains in the issue that “It’s not a race of beings. The Multitude is all one thing–a single weapon with countless points aimed at us from a higher, fifth dimension.”Of course, Mr. Mxyzptlk, a classic Superman villain who seemed to be hinted at in Action Comics #0, hails from such a dimension.Given that Morrison has used angels in his work before–most notably in his run on JLA–it may also be interesting to see whether this story could lead to the reintroduction of Zauriel to the DC Universe.
Angels Don’t Work For God, But For a Superman Villain
In today’s Action Comics #14, Superman finds himself face to face with a mutltitude of angels.But […]