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In a dark, oppressive future, pig-men work tirelessly feeding a society they cannot fathom as slaves of human masters. When Oink realizes that the dogma being forced on them is all lies, he undertakes a path of revenge and revelation.
“When I produced the first edition of OINK in the nineties I was very young, and now in the journeyman stage of my career I wanted to tell a story that really reflected all that experience,” said Mueller. “This is my first creator-owned work in sixteen years. Dark Horse really understands what creator owned means, and I just could not be more excited about the future for OINK.“
The edition will be re-edited and repainted with entirely new sequences of story and art.
“The new edition really reflects everything I love about art, fiction, and comics,” Mueller said. “I also feel the message of the story has become increasingly relevant as science, technology, and religion seem more and more pervasive in our lives. OINK is a tale of both a monster and a man seeking truth in a very strange world.”
OINK hits stores February 25, 2015.