With Season One big bad Malcolm Merlyn set to return on Wednesday’s episode of Arrow, Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg told reporters at a recent screening that his motives will be…perhaps less ominous than some might think.As Deathstroke and his Mirakuru army attack Starling, Moira Queen is dead and her family left more or less penniless (apparently in the world of Arrow, the rich do go broke like the rest of us), Thea showed last week that she’s ready to pack it up and leave town for parts unknown.On her way out, though, the war for the city kicked off and she’s now found herself in a train station, surrounded by chaos and with no easy way out.Enter her biological father, Malcolm Merlyn.
Arrow: Andrew Kreisberg Talks Merlyn’s Return and What It Means for the Future of the Queen Family
With Season One big bad Malcolm Merlyn set to return on Wednesday’s episode of Arrow, Executive […]