Earlier today, ComiXology announced that Becky Cloonan’s Demeter would debut on the ComiXology Submit service for small-press comics.”With comiXology Submit, we further comiXology’s mission to bring the best, most diverse content to comic fans everywhere,” said John D. Roberts, comiXology co-founder. “Demeter is the work of an undeniably original artist with a singular vision. It’s fantastic to be able to make Becky’s great work easily accessible to her legions of fans across the globe, through the power of self-publishing made possible by comiXology Submit.”The online comics retailer noted that Cloonan’s comics The Mire and Wolves have consistently been the two top-selling books on comiXology Submit, and have been available since the portal launched earlier this year.”It’s been a joy to work with the team at comiXology to release my newest comic,” said Cloonan. “They have made it incredibly simple to bring Demeter to my readers in a way they never could have seen it before. There are a lot of steps involved with self-publishing, and comiXology Submit streamlines the process making my work instantly available for anyone to enjoy.”
Batman, Conan Artist Becky Cloonan Brings Demeter to ComiXology
Earlier today, ComiXology announced that Becky Cloonan’s Demeter would debut on the ComiXology […]