Fred Van Lente, having crafted one of the coolest, most original new superhero comics of 2012, came into 2013 strong…and we managed to miss him.Actually, what happened was that I had a series of deaths in and close to my family, so forgive the lateness of this commentary, but once it was a week late, it was easier to let it get two weeks late while I caught up, etc.Thankfully, Van Lente is a tolerant man, and joined to talk about the action-packed first appearance of the new Geomancer in Archer & Armstrong #6.As always of course, this is a spoiler-filled interview. If you don’t have it already, go buy it and read along with How do you think the flashbacks at the opening of an issue translates to the trade collection? I always feel like it generally works well but since page one flashbacks are such a convention in comics, I wonder if you ever think about that kind of thing.Fred Van Lente: The individual issues in a trade are separated by covers, so it shouldn’t be hard to follow. Besides, since we’re cutting to and from such wildly divergent time periods, that’ll make it even easier.
Bridget Jones Becomes Dr. Strange: Fred Van Lente on Archer & Armstrong #6
Fred Van Lente, having crafted one of the coolest, most original new superhero comics of 2012, […]