During the filming of RED 2, Bruce Willis proved his manliness to Mary-Louise Parker by using a firearm to take out an insect. During an appearance on the CONAN show on Tuesday night, Mary-Louise Parker revealed, “One time we were shooting a scene actually on a hill, and there was a bee. I’m scared of bugs kind of, and there was a bee, and it all [motioning to her face].”Mary-Louise Parker continued, “And he took hisโฆwhipped his prop gun out of his pocket, blew it away. It was like this far [indicating about an inch with her fingers] away from my face, blew the bee away, shot it.”A concerned Conan O’Brien pointed out that it was a prop gun that had a real charge in it. Mary-Louise Parker explained, “Yes, but a blank is enough to take out a bee.” Conan exclaimed, “He shot that near your face.” Mary-Louise Parker replied, “He shot it dead. Because he’s Bruce Willis, so he can shoot a bee, and it’s not going to like take out part of my nose or something.” While Conan thought Mary-Louise Parker should have been upset with Willis for shooting a bee so close to her face, she just thought the whole thing was sexy.
Bruce Willis Shot A Bee For Mary-Louise Parker During RED 2
During the filming of RED 2, Bruce Willis proved his manliness to Mary-Louise Parker by using a […]