
Buffy, Angel And Faith, Oh My

Buffy, Angel and Faith:  Is the Magic Still There?Well, technically not if you take into account […]

:  Is the Magic Still There?Well, technically not if you take into account that Buffy destroyed the seed of all magic in season 8 but not to fret because these two series have done a pretty good job so far of bringing back the spark that Buffy Season 8 definitely lost.To say that Buffy Season 8 and Angel:  After the Fall were disappointing would be very much of an understatement.  I, a fan of both shows during their runs, found myself getting burnt out on the seemingly random flux of events going on in both titles.  So my low expectations of Buffy Season 9 and the newly launched Angel and Faith were well founded.But luckily for me I was proven wrong.Recently, both issues finished up their first story arc and have laid their first stand-alone issue, paving the way for later issues.   Finally within the same continuity of each other, it’s exciting to watch the consequences these characters have to face after committing some pretty serious acts.  For Angel it’s having to deal with the fact that he (spoiler alert) broke Giles’ neck in season 8 and Buffy must deal with the more Earth-changing ramifications of destroying the Seed of All Magic.So how do they handle these problems in these past issues? Well, let’s break it down:Buffy Season 9 Freefall and Slayer, Interrupted: 


Videos by

Angel “I Will Remember You”
In Perfect Harmony. Overall: After the Fall
Slayer, Interrupted