Peter David’s X-Factor will end with September’s #262 in what is being characterized as a mutual decision between the creator and publisher, not a cancellation.Marvel Comics announced earlier today at the Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo that the previously-solicited “The End of X-Factor” storyline beginning in June’s X-Factor #257, will in fact be the final storyline for the long-running series, which David relaunched following the success of 2004’s Madrox miniseries.”Peter has been writing these characters for a very long time, and been building a lot of stories, the ‘Hell on Earth’ arc wraps up the supernatural plotlines, then the last arc, ‘The End of X-Factor’ wraps up the personal stories,” editor Jordan White said at C2E2.
C2E2: Peter David’s X-Factor Ending in September
Peter David’s X-Factor will end with September’s #262 in what is being characterized as a mutual […]