
Comic Book’s Weirdest War Heroes recently published our list of the top ten comic book war heroes. Now, we decided to […]

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recently published our list of the top ten comic book war heroes. Now, we decided to take a different approach and look at some of the weirdest war heroes in comic books. None of these warriors or groups ever reached the popularity level of the members of our top ten comic book war heroes list, but they provided for some very unusual and entertaining stories.The Creature Commandos – You team up a werewolf, a vampire, and a Frankenstein monster and you have the makings of a great comic book. You take that werewolf, that vampire, that Frankenstein monster, throw in a chick with Medusa type hair, and you put them in a war setting and you have the makings of an awesome comic book. I mean, what could possible be better than monsters with guns? The Creature Commandos made their debut in Weird War Tales #93, and they were led by an ordinary human named Lt. Matthew Shrieve. Why a bunch of kick-ass monsters would need a human to lead them beats me. Later on, The Creature Commandos added a robot to their team, but more on that later.In the modern era, the Creature Commandos have been brought back as a special operations force. The original creatures had extended lives, but their human leader Lt. Shrieve died. Told you they didn’t need him. The modern Creature Commandos also added a mummy, an amphibian creature, a cyborg, and a seventy-four year old hunter. Say what! Which one of those doesn’t belong?

G.I. Robot
The Haunted Tank