
Covering Convergence: Larry Hama Pits Wonder Woman Against The Red Rain Universe In Convergence: Wonder Woman

For Convergence: Wonder Woman, DC Comics took an approach that was surprisingly fun–and maybe […]

For Convergence: Wonder Woman, DC Comics took an approach that was surprisingly fun–and maybe even goofy–for the character. With writer Larry Hama on board, the classic Crisis-era versions of Wonder Woman, Etta Candy, and Steve Trevor are facing their polar opposites: the Nightmare universe character of “Red Rain.” Joining the writer is artist Joshua Middleton, returning to interiors after years of only doing cover work at DC.

We spoke with the legendary writer about what makes this particular matchup so fun, and heard some candid insight on writing for your own story versus merely contributing to a larger and collaborative narrative. 

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Larry Hama:The fun is in taking that iteration of those characters out of that timeframe having them interact in a darker and more modern story structure.

I know you have told me you like working in the Marvel Method, with plot first, then art; how is that working for you with Joshua Middleton? Have you tried anything unique in your first collaboration?

LH: I really like what Joshua is doing with this story. If he doesn’t get down what I saw in my head, he makes it better than what I saw in my head. The “Marvel style” of collaboration is very jazz-like, we riff, and then we expand on what the other guy riffs. How Joshua takes what I put down and expands on it, gives me impetus to be more creative in the dialoging process.

The Red Rain world is about as opposite of the Crisis-era DC Universe as I can think of. What makes it fun for those two worlds to clash, from both the writing and art perspectives?


We haven’t heard much about how aware the heroes (and villains) are about their current “Convergence” plight, but with a “Domesday” cult, it seems like they have a strong idea. During their year in the dome, how focused have the heroes been on their Convergence issues, versus their everyday trials and tribulations?

LH: Diana, Steve and Etta are pretty pragmatic, and have well established ethical centers.  I didn’t think they would sit around and mope, but would be pro-active about helping others cope with situation, and that’s what I had them do.

Finally, is there any additional freedom you find in taking on a limited story with characters who you don’t need to setup for some other creators’ future?

LH:It’s pretty cool that the stories are virtually retconned away even before they exist. And there’s never any point in setting up anything for a future creator, since they will invariably make everything you’ve done go away or have been a false memory, implant, dream, or occurrence in another reality or time stream.

Convergence: Wonder Woman #1 is on-sale now.