
DC Comics Announces Forever Evil Villain Month Crossover

DC Comics announced today that Forever Evil will be the first crossover miniseries of the New […]

DC Comics announced today that Forever Evil will be the first crossover miniseries of the New 52.The event, which will run through DC’s titles in September, has long been rumored as a “villain month,” where DC’s monthly comics titles will be replaced by comics starring the heroes’ archenemies.”When we launched the New 52 in September of 2011, we decided to do something different and daring each September to draw attention to our line and really focus on what our goals are for the year,” explained DC Co-Publisher Dan DiDio in an interview with Buzzfeed. “What we did back in 2011 was relaunch our entire line. In 2012, we went back and looked at all our heroes with Zero Month and told some early stories and origins. This September we wanted to try something a little different and really explore our villain base, and show the challenges our heroes face with every story and every issue, because of the strength of the characters taking over their books in that month.”The issues will also feature 3-D motion covers, as seen at right and below in a number of animated GIFs for Bizarro #23.1 (Superman), Poison Ivy #23.1 (Detective Comics), Grodd #23.1 (The Flash) and more. Click through to see the “motion” version.

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