Last weekend, The Goddard Group were kind enough to share with readers a peek behind the curtain at some 1980s Neal Adams art from unpublished issues of the Captain Power comic book series.That is, in part, because during the course of an interview with series creator Gary Goddard and executive producer Roger Lay, Jr.–which you can read in full a little later today–Adams’s name came up in the context of new Captain Power comics.With Phoenix Rising: The Return of Captain Power in development, we asked Goddard and Lay whether they might be interested in ancillary media like comics and video games to tie into the new show and raise awareness among casual fans. Here is, in part, what the pair had to say about For you guys, the last time you had a comic book come out, you had Neal Adams, who is just a living legend, doing the art so even though it was outside of the studio it was still very much a creator-controlled kind of project. Would that be something you’d be interested in trying again?
Exclusive: Captain Power Could Return To Comics–And Neal Adams Is Interested
Last weekend, The Goddard Group were kind enough to share with readers a peek behind […]