
Pokemon Sun and Moon Are The Darkest Pokemon Games Yet

The Pokemon franchise has always had a bit of an edge to it. After all, the game is all about […]

The Pokemon franchise has always had a bit of an edge to it. After all, the game is all about imprisoning sentient and intelligent animals and forcing them to fight each other for sport, honor, and friendship.

(Yup, it isn’t the fun and frolic you’d like to think.)

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There is also a secret darkness about the Pokemon themselves that are only hinted at in the games. Some Pokemon can supposedly steal souls while others delight in terrorizing and stalking their prey.

For a game franchise made for children, Pokemon games can be pretty dark when you think about it.

Pokemon Sun and Moon, the newest pair of games in the franchise, looks like it might be the darkest game yet.

Although the game is set in the sunny and colorful Alola Region, many of the new Pokemon introduced so far either look terrifying or have surprisingly dark backgrounds. If these new Pokemon are indication, Pokemon Sun and Moon might be the darkest Pokemon games yet:

Killer Sand Castle Pokemon

palossand eating pikachu
(Photo: The Pokemon Company)

Sandygastย is a unique Ghost/Ground Type Pokemonย that’s basically a possessed pile of sand with a small shovel sticking out of its head.

According to theย Pokemonย Sun and Moonย webpage, Sandygastย are formed from the grudges of Pokemonย that fall in battle. A Sandygast can actually manipulate and possess children to use their shovel to pile more sand onto its body, making it even stronger.

If hypnotising children wasn’t creepy enough, a Sandygastย can alsoย suck the lifeforce out of anything that sticks its arm into its mouth. So, it’s a sand vampire made out of bad feelings that roams the beaches of the Alolaย region, looking for children.

Sandygast’s evolved form is even scarier. Palossandย is a full blown sandcastle, complete with two arms that serve as towers. A Palossandย can actually attack and drag small Pokemonย into its body, sucking its energy and using it to possibly create more Sandygasts.

While the Pokemonย franchise doesn’t like to toss around the word “dead”, it’s pretty clear that the Pikachuย above isn’t going to walk away after the Palossandย eats its energy.ย 

Actual Evolution At Work

alolan rattata
(Photo: The Pokemon Company)

The Pokemonย version of evolution is a little murky at best. Basically, when a Pokemonย grows powerful enough, it can spontaneously “evolve” into a more powerful and usually larger form. Although an evolved Pokemonย is technically a different species, the Pokemonย universe usually treats an “evolved” Pokemonย as an older version of its previous forms.ย 

That all changes withย Pokemonย Sun and Moon. The Alolanย region has “Alolanย variants”, which are Pokemonย species that actually went through evolution due to living in a remote region away from their mainland relatives.ย 

For example, the Alolanย Rattataย became a nocturnal Pokemonย living in urban settingsย after the residents brought Yungoosย and Gumshoosย to the island to curb the region’s rat population. The Rattataย were driven from their natural habitat and into the city, where they basically became organized food thieves led by super chubby Alolanย Raticates.

While it’s cool that Pokemonย is finally using evolution the right way after all these years, there is a darker side to all these variants. Evolution means that only the strongest survived over the generations, which means that a lot of cute Pokemonย died premature deaths due to the drastically different climates of the Alola region.ย 

Too Sweet to Help

(Photo: The Pokemon Company)

Even the cute Pokemonย from the Alolan region have a bit of heartbreak and sadness behind them.

Take the Bounsweet, a cute little Grass type Pokemonย that resembles a bouncing fruit.ย Bounsweetย has an appealingย aroma, which unfortunatelyย attracts plenty of other Pokemonย looking to eat it. Becauseย of its natural cuteness and skip-like walk, no one ever bothers to help Bounsweetย as it runs away from its predators. Bounsweetย is too sweet to live apparently.

Another cute Pokemonย with a sad back story is Mimikyu, a ghost Pokemonย that wears a Pikachuย costume over its true form.

Mimikyuย is terribly lonely and just wants to be loved by humans, so it started wearing aย costume after seeing how popular Pikachuย is.ย Tragically, no one knows what Mimikyuย looks like because anyone who sees its true form is stricken with a mysterious illness.ย 

Basically, even the cute Pokemonย inย Pokemonย Sun and Moonย are waiting to break your heart.ย 

A Bear That Hugs Its Trainer…To Death

(Photo: The Pokemon Company)

Stuffil and Bewear are another pair of bizarre Pokemon.

Stuffilย is a cute Pokemonย that resembles a red panda. Because of its looks, Stuffilย is a very popular Pokemonย in the Alola region. However, it hates being hugged and will often flail its arms in protest when people get too near.

Although Stuffilย hates hugs, its evolved form Bewearย is the opposite.

Bewearย is a docile looking bear Pokemonย who loves to give out hugs to its trainers. Unfortunately, evolution was bitterly cruel to Bewearย and granted the Pokemon extraordinary strength to go along with its newfoundย good nature. Residents in the Alolaย region stay far away from Bewearย because its hugs can literally rip things in two.ย 

So evolution turned a Pokemonย that hate hugs but is popular with humans into a Pokemonย that loves hugs but is feared by humans because of its massive strength. Someone in the Pokemonย design department has a really cruel sense of humor.ย 

The Mysterious Chimera Pokemon

(Photo: The Pokemon Company)

Earlier this week, a new trailer teased two mysterious new additions toย Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Type: Null is an artificial Pokemonย created by parties unknown to battle Legendary Pokemon.

Type: Null looks like a science experiment gone horribly wrong.

It’s a weird chimera creature that looks more like something you’d see inย Fullmetalย Alchemistย than a Pokemonย game. With more than a passing resemblanceย to Arceus, the Pokemonย creator of the universe, some have even theorized that Type: Null was a human attempt to recreate god.ย 

There’s also the Ultra Beasts to worry about. The latest trailer was deliberately vague about Ultra Beasts, but they sound absolutely terrifying. These strange creatures are a threat to both humans and Pokemonย and aren’t even classified as Pokemonย onย Pokemonย Sun and Moon‘s webpage. The trailer showed the first Ultra Beast, a jellyfish like creature dubbed UB-01, coming out of what appears to be an actual tear in reality.

We don’t know what the Ultra Beasts do, but they’re possibly extra-dimensional, have tentacles, and are impossibly powerful. That’s sounds a lot like Chthuluย or one of the other ancient Lovecraftianย gods.ย