Gerry Conway, the famed Spider-Man and Firestorm writer arguably best known for having written The Amazing Spider-Man #121 (“The Night Gwen Stacy Died”), seems to have successfully pressured Marc Webb, the director of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, into inviting him to the film’s premiere.All it took was about five hours of social media pressure on Webb and the film’s distributor, Sony Pictures.Along the way, Conway noted that a character he had co-created — The Punisher — has been the lead in three theatrical features and that he’d been invited to none of those films, and never acknowledged for his contributions. The Amazing Spider-Man 2, he claimed, is “partly based on [The Amazing] Spider-Man 121,” seemingly confirming the long-simmering rumors that Gwen won’t make it through the film.Here are some highlights from today’s #InviteGerryConway campaign…
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@SonyPictures and @MarcW — can I shame you into inviting the guy who wrote “The Night Gwen Stacy Died” to see the movie? #inviteGerryConway
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) April 1, 2014
Having fun tweaking @SonyPictures and @MarcW to invite me to Spider-Man 2 premiere. They don’t know who I am. #inviteGerryConway
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) April 1, 2014
Yo, @SonyPictures and @MarcW — invite @gerryconway (and John Romita) to see Spider-Man 2! #inviteGerryConway
— Kurt Busiek (@KurtBusiek) April 1, 2014
Even Gwen Stacy is mad @Sony & @MarcW won’t invite @gerryconway to Spider-Man 2 premiere. And she’s dead. #invitegerryconway
— HeroForHire (@jlaps2814) April 1, 2014
Boy, the way @MarcW and @SonyPictures are ignoring #inviteGerryConway you’d think I threw Gwen off a bridge or something.
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) April 1, 2014
I’ve been plugging the new Spider-Man movie, so here’s equal time for #inviteGerryConway. Frankly, I’m surprised he wasn’t invited.
— Jim Salicrup (@JimSalicrup) April 1, 2014
So @gerryconway changed comics 4ever for kid me The Night Gwen Stacy Died. Invite him to your related movie @sonypictures #inviteGerryConway
— R. Francis Smith (@rfrancis) April 1, 2014
A key SPIDER-MAN writer isn’t bothering asking for $ (write-for-hire & all) but is begging Sony for tix to the premiere #inviteGerryConway
— Jordan Hoffman (@jhoffman) April 1, 2014
Considering the grief I got for “Night Gwen Stacy Died” an invite to Spider-Man 2 seems only fair, @SonyPictures, @MarcW #inviteGerryConway
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) April 1, 2014
#inviteGerryConway or the blonde girl gets it.
— Travis Real (@trreal) April 1, 2014
Hey @SonyPictures Do a solid and #inviteGerryConway to the Amazing Spider-man 2 premiere.
— Ron Lim (@ronwlim) April 1, 2014
3 movies based on The Punisher – no acknowledgments, no invites. Spider-Man 2 partly based on Spider-Man 121 (via @EW) – #inviteGerryConway
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) April 1, 2014
“@MarcW: @gerryconway hey GC!” Hey, MW! What’s the good word?
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) April 1, 2014
@MarcW dear lord, don’t tweet and drive. I want to see Spider-Man 2 and 3 too someday!
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) April 1, 2014
Luke is his own man. I’ll do my best. “@MarcW: @gerryconway @SpiderManMovie @SonyPictures okay as long as you don’t send Luke Cage after me”
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) April 1, 2014
Stan is The Man, but you Da Man. “@MarcW: @gerryconway I’m getting on the phone with Sony. Would love to have you there!”
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) April 1, 2014
Props to all my Twitter fans for your support in the epic #inviteGerryConway campaign today. And thanks to @MarcW! (And you @pattonoswalt)
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) April 1, 2014