Today is English actor Simon Pegg’s birthday.
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A comedian, writer, and actor, Pegg has been a staple of the comedy industry for a number of years. With Edgar Wright, Pegg has co-written and starred in a cumber of comedy films, including Shaun of The Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World’s End.
Pegg has also starred in a number of high-profile action and science fiction films. His biggest franchise to date is the J.J. Abrams-directed Star Trek reboot, where he played Scotty in both installments. Pegg is expected to return for the eventual third installment. He’s also held a notable role in recent Mission: Impossible films as Benji in Missions: Impossible 3, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, and this year’s Mission: Impossible 5.
Simon Pegg was born on February 14, 1970 in Brockworth, Gloucestershire, and he turns 45 years old today.
Happy Birthday, Simon Pegg.