As much as I enjoy Heroes, I have to admit it was incredibly difficult to sit down to watch this week’s episode, entitled “1961.”Why?Two things troubled me from the end of last week’s “Turn And Face The Strange” episode.One was Angela Petrelli’s worse-than-General-Hospital acting: “You’re gonna have to dig.”WOW, just wow.Easily the single worst delivered line on television in years.Two, if Claire, Nathan, and Peter are just digging up bodies, why didn’t Angela just point to the undisturbed ground and say, “There are a crapload of bodies beneath us?” Why force everyone to get all sweaty and dirty?Knowing that I’ll never get an answer to why the director allowed reason one to make the final cut, I came back this week in search of a logical reason for number two.We pick up where we left off last week: digging away.Peter wonders why Angela is making them dig up the graves, that it isn’t right.Peter walks over to Angela and wants to know what happened out there, and we get a flashback to February 1961.
Heroes 1961 Recap: Angela Petrelli’s Secret
As much as I enjoy Heroes, I have to admit it was incredibly difficult to sit down to watch this […]