
Is Neill Blomkamp’s Alien Movie Being Held Up By Prometheus 2?

Sources for Bloody-Disgusting have informed the site that Neill Blomkamp’s Alien film is being […]

Sources for Bloody-Disgusting have informed the site that Neill Blomkamp’s Alien film is being “forced” into a holding pattern until Ridley Scott’s Prometheus sequel takes off.

Alien 5 is still very much in the works, as Fox remains hot on the idea,” Bloody-Disgusting‘s source told them. “Blomkamp continues to work on the script (only an outline existed previously) and refine the tale he is telling. Ridley Scott is still producing, but has insisted on Prometheus 2 being made first.”

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They expect the delay will push filming of the Blomkamp film to 2017, with an expected 2018 release date. Their source believe another benefit to the delay is that it should prevent scheduling conflicts that could have arose with Sigourney Weaver’s commitments to James Cameron’s Avatar sequels.

Also of note: AvPGalaxy attended the Sheffield Film and Comic Con, where Michael Biehn, who played Corporal Hicks in James Cameron’s Aliens, told fans he has spoken with Blomkamp about the upcoming Alien film, but he has not read a script nor has he been officially offered a role. Though, he was “certain” he would eventually get asked (a disfigured likeness of him has appeared on several pieces of concept art) and is “optimistic” that the film will move forward.

Additionally, Biehn said that Blomkamp’s film will ignore the third and fourth Alien films, but Bloody-Disgusting‘s source thinks it is too early to say if those films will be jettisoned from Alien canon.

Prometheus 2 will begin shooting in January of 2016.