Every day that passes gets us another day closer to the time when fan-favorite filmmaker Joss Whedon will roll cameras on Marvel’s as-yet-untitled sequel to The Avengers, the record-shattering superhero film that he directed last year.And with his indie Much Ado About Nothing making the rounds in specialty theaters right now, Whedon has been ubiquitous in the media, often talking about both the new film and the old, while teasing Avengers 2 and his upcoming Marvel TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. along the way.As part of a broad conversation with Empire, Whedon said, among other things, that while he hasn’t yet seen Man of Steel, he plans to–if only to be sure they’re not accidentally copying any of the film’s beats in any upcoming Marvel films.”When you’re making a large scale superhero film and a large scale superhero film comes out, you have to go and see it to make sure you’re not imitating it. That you don’t have a giant plot point or set piece that is exactly the same as yours,” Whedon said. “And it does happen a lot and we say, ‘Oh, we better zig instead of zag.’ You have to watch it for that, but also, to get a big of inspiration. You either have a great time or you think, ‘Well, I can top that’, but I’m definitely going to have a great time.”It’s worth watching the video, embedded below, for a lot of little information about Much Ado, Clark Gregg, J. August Richards and more.”I am so tired of being known for killing people,” Whedon joked during the interview. “I cannot tell you. It’s all I hear about. I bring a lot of people back to life, and nobody ever mentions that.”
Joss Whedon Talks Man of Steel and The Avengers 2
Every day that passes gets us another day closer to the time when fan-favorite filmmaker Joss […]