
Justice League Movie: Five Reasons Joseph Gordon-Levitt Should Play Batman

Whether it’s true or not, one of the larger and more reliable movie sites is citing unnamed […]
Joseph Gordon-Levitt in Justice League

Whether it’s true or not, one of the larger and more reliable movie sites is citing unnamed sources as telling them that Joseph Gordon-Levitt will absolutely be playing Batman in the upcoming Justice League movie. While it might be easy to discount the rumor, it is interesting that in recent interviews Joseph Gordon-Levitt seemed to change his tune about the possibility of playing Batman in the future. We’ve compiled a list of five reasons why we think it’s a good idea for Joseph Gordon-Levitt to play Batman in Justice League. Keep checking back as we will also be running a list of five reasons it’s a bad idea.5. Opens Door For Man Of Steel Cameo โ€“ While there have been tons of rumors about Man of Steel launching the DC Comics Cinematic Universe, many have wondered if there would actually be a cameo by another superhero. If Joseph Gordon-Levitt is really already signed on to play Batman, then it could explain director Zack Snyder’s recent comments hinting that Man of Steel would tie into Justice League. It would be a great thrill for fans to see Joseph Gordon-Levitt pop up in an after the credits scene during Man of Steel.4. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is A Great Actor โ€“ While Joseph Gordon-Levitt might not have the traditional muscular build of Batman, he is a great actor. He won rave reviews for his performance both in The Dark Knight Rises and Looper. While fans might complain about Joseph Gordon-Levitt not looking the part, he should have no problem acting the part.3. Will Get Justice League Movie Moving Faster โ€“ Let’s face it, fans have been waiting for a Justice League movie forever. A major hurdle for Justice League reaching the big screen anytime soon is that Warner Bros. would need to cast a new Batman, which would have implications for the future of the very profitable Batman franchise. Because it would likely involve a multiple picture deal, negotiations with an actor could drag out for a long time. However, if Joseph Gordon-Levitt already has a deal with Warner Bros. to play Batman, then that could get things moving forward at a much faster pace.2. Keeps The Christopher Nolan Movies In Continuity โ€“ Virtually everyone loved Christopher Nolan’s take on The Dark Knight. With the launch of the DC Comics Cinematic Universe, it’s been widely assumed that those movies will be written out of continuity as if they never happened. But if Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as Batman in Justice League, then it suggests that the movies counted. The Dark Knight trilogy suddenly becomes a major linchpin in laying the groundwork for the Justice League movie, which given the success of Nolan’s Batman films should be a good thing.1. Potentially Involves Christopher Nolan In Justice League โ€“ While we know Christopher Nolan has gone on record stating that he will have no involvement in a Justice League movie, people can always change their minds. If Nolan sees Warner Bros. casting actors and actresses that he likes to work with in a Justice League movie, then it at least increases the possibility that Warner Bros. might yet be able to persuade him to get involved. While the idea of him relenting and taking the director role is a longshot, the possibility of him contributing to the movie as a producer or consultant could seem more likely.