In the Man Of Steel trailer, Lois Lane almost says “Superman” before getting interrupted. The scene has led to some speculation over whether the name “Superman” will even be uttered at all in the Man Of Steel. So does anyone actually say “Superman” in Man Of Steel? And if so who is the first person to say the word? We have the answer, so if you don’t want to be spoiled, then stop reading now.In an interview with KISS 92.5 in Toronto, the interviewer Damnit Maurie drops a major spoiler while talking to director Zack Snyder. At the beginning of the interview, Damnit reveals that he has seen the movie and calls it, “Absolutely phenomenal.”Damnit brings up that in part of the movie there was sort of a reluctance to say the word “Superman.” Zack Snyder explains, “It’s not really reluctance. It’s us…for me anyway, I wanted to give the right reverence to the word. Superman has a concept, and it can’t just be the thing that happens immediately. It’s got to be earned.”Synder added, “And I thought it would be cool to have Lois be in a weird way the one that invents the idea. Because like where doe Superman come from? Who coined that phrase? How does that happen? So Lois sort of starts the idea and then…”Damnit finished, “But the guy that got it was our good friend David Paetkau from Flashpoint from here.” Synder interrupted, “Right, by the way, absolutely…by the way, think about it, thanks for coming in, here’s your job today, you have to say Superman, that’s what they call him sir, Superman. And he just…the perfect amount of not being impressed by the word, but also still sort of understanding the significance, but also..”Damnit finished, “It’s the second biggest line in the movie.” Snyder added, “Oh yeah, he killed that line by the way, killed it, crushed it. We were on the set, and I was like, ‘That’s it, right there.’”We checked IMDB and David Paetkau, who had a role in the Canadian TV series Flashpoint, is listed as playing a “Threat Analyst” in Man Of Steel. Besides revealing who first says “Superman,” another interesting reveal by Damnit is the first use of the word “Superman” is only the second biggest line in the movie. It makes us wonder: What is the biggest line in the movie?The Man Of Steel is scheduled to be released at movie theaters in the United States on June 14, 2013.
Man Of Steel Spoiler: Who Is First To Say Superman?
In the Man Of Steel trailer, Lois Lane almost says ‘Superman’ before getting interrupted. The […]