
Marvelman Plans Seemingly Confirmed by Artist Mark Buckingham

While at FablesCon this weekend, Bleeding Cool grilled Marvelman/Miracleman artist Mark […]

While at FablesCon this weekend, Bleeding Cool grilled Marvelman/Miracleman artist Mark Buckingham, who worked on the property with Neil Gaiman in the ’90s, suggested that we might begin to hear news about a Marvelman revival soon.”Wait six months,” he told a stringer working for the news and gossip site when asked about Marvelman news. When pressed whether he would draw it should Gaiman return to the character, he reportedly responded,  “Oh yes. I’d have to take some time off from Fables but yes.”What are the odds that it would be Gaiman to resurrect the character? Pretty good.”On another note, attended a cool Marvelman meeting today where Neil Gaiman told us how his last 2 unfinished storylines will end,” Marvel’s Tom Brevoort tweeted back in 2010.

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