Will he? Won’t he? There has been lots of speculation as to whether or not Michael Bay would return to direct a fourth ‘Transformers’ film. Heck, would there even be a ‘Transformers 4’ for him to helm? The answer, apparently, is yes.According to MTV News, producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura confirmed that A, there will be a fourth installment, and B, that Bay will indeed direct. “Michael’s going to direct, and it’ll be in the summer of 2014. We’ll be releasing then,” said di Bonaventura. And the most interesting news? “I think the challenge there is that we are really going to do a reboot and what that’s going to be, we don’t even know yet,” said the producer.A reboot? Very nice. While the franchise hasn’t worn out its welcome ($352 million at the U.S. box office and $1.1 billion worldwide), you have to question whether or not the current cast and storyline could push out a credible 4th installment. A reboot—something different from the first film—would provide a freshness to the franchise. Plus, with the overwhelming success of the first three films at the theater, the budget would be plenty of big to do something we’ve never seen before in film. Not just a Transformers film, but any movie.No word on casting, as there isn’t even a script. We’ll keep you posted as we learn more.
Michael Bay Will Return To Direct Transformers 4
Will he? Won’t he? There has been lots of speculation as to whether or not Michael Bay would […]