With the release of Dark Horse Presents #12 next week, veteran creators Mike Baron and Steve Rude will return to their beloved, creator-owned character, Nexus, for the first time since their self-publishing venture closed its doors in 2009.The character has been published, almost exclusively by Baron and Rude, intermittently for over 100 issues since the 1980s and is one of the most well-regarded creator-owned books in comics. They’re frequently mentioned in the same breath as guys like Jeff Smith, Terry Moore and the Image founders, and their return to Nexus has been simmering for a long while, getting their fans nice and worked up over it. Now that it’s here, we’re happy to have had a chance to talk to them about the issue.Why Dark Horse for this iteration of Nexus?Mike Baron: No other publisher treats creators with such respect. Mike Richardson returned copyright and trademark to us. That’s unprecedented.Dark Horse Presents is the place to be.Steve Rude: Mike Baron and I have always had a cordial and respectful relationship with Mike Richardson, the head of Dark Horse comics. Mike, after all, is the one who gave us the rights to Nexus back. That alone puts us in his eternal favor.
Mike Baron and Steve Rude Talk Nexus
With the release of Dark Horse Presents #12 next week, veteran creators Mike Baron and Steve Rude […]