The Pokemon Company has periodically released a plush toy based on the move “Substitute”. Substitute allows Pokemon to switch out with a cute little doll that absorbed damage, thus preventing the Pokemon from taking too much damage in that turn.The Substitute plush toys are a big hit over in Japan, so now the Pokemon Company is releasing an entire line of merchandise around the Substitute doll.
Videos by ComicBook.com
The highlight of the line are a set of six figurines that shows Cyndaquil, Larvitar, Squirtle, Ditto, Cubone and Pikachu adorably playing with the Substitute doll in different way.Squirtle and his doll try on sunglasses, while Ditto looks on in confusion, presumably because he can’t transform into the doll.The merchandise line also includes earrings, stickers, keychains, towels, t-shirts, coffee mugs, socks and even cookies, all adorned or shaped like the Substitute doll. Check out the photo gallery for the entire Substitute doll line.
For now, the Substitute dolls will only be sold in Japan starting on May 14th, but there’s a decent chance some of the line will make its way to the United States.For now, there’s a smaller selection of Substitute doll merchandise available on the US Pokemon Center’s website.