Over the weekend, Rachel Rising creator Terry Moore made waves by intimating that the series may end at issue 24 (as originally planned, and then decided against) if sales continue to slump.”I ended [Strangers in Paradise] when it got this low,” he tweeted, in part.The response has been dramatic and sustained, with creators like A Distant Soil‘s Colleen Doran, Locke & Key‘s Joe Hill and Sandman: Overture‘s J.H. Williams III among hundreds of Twitter users and dozens of comics pros and celebrities chiming on the #SaveRachelRising hashtag.Along the way, Moore chimed in on the current status of the Rachel Rising TV series, which he said “is progressing nicely by the way. But I don’t know when who what or anything. Just still looking good.”That’s pretty standard stuff, and not really all that far off from what he told us in our Rachel Rising commentary track earlier this month. What’s a bit more tantalizing is what he said when asked what his “dream cast” would be for the series.”Can’t say anything,” Moore responded to a fan’s tweet. “You’d be shocked by who we may be able to get.”There should be at this point no ambiguity in the fact that ComicBook.com considers Rachel Rising to be one of, if not the, best comic currently being produced. The TV project, too, could be exciting and without any idea of what kind of network will pick it up, it’s hard to guess exactly how “shocking” things are likely to get–but a little guessing never hurt anybody. Who would you like to see play Rachel and Jet?
Rachel Rising TV Project: “You’d Be Shocked” By Potential Casting
Over the weekend, Rachel Rising creator Terry Moore made waves by intimating that the series may […]